What’s my passion?

If there is one thing I got out of reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s book Crush It, is that I really need to have a passion. Something I could love doing for the rest of my life.

My problem is that I have no idea what that is.

I love my family. If I could somehow stay home and make enough money to give my family a comfortable life, I would totally do it. I love spending time with my family. I just don’t see how spending more time with my family will make me more money.

I am committed to my religion. Given how much time I spend each week doing something related to my religion, I better be. Again, I am not sure how I could make a career out of living my religion, particularly one that relies on volunteerism and a lay ministry. I suppose I could start a Mormon bookstore. That just seems kind of weird, and having cheap thrifty Mormons as one’s clients just opens up a whole different can of worms.

Beyond those two things, I am not sure what else there is.

After a discussion during the most recent Lethbridge tweetup, I was thinking more about the idea of discovering my passion. One thing I thought might kick start this is to list out some of my interests and favourite pastimes.

  • Pastimes
    • Cooking
    • Yardwork
    • Camping
    • Public speaking
    • Writing poetry
    • Being underwater (swimming, scuba diving, snorkelling)
    • Volunteering
    • Cooking over wood-fuelled fire
    • Taking photographs
  • Interests
    • City planning
    • Technology
    • Maps
    • Organization

I am sure someone who knows me will mention something about grammar. I don’t know if that is something I enjoy as much as it is hating seeing/hearing bad grammar.

Now to think about this some more.

By Kim Siever

I am a copywriter and copyeditor. I blog on writing and social media tips mostly, but I sometimes throw in my thoughts about running a small business. Follow me on Twitter at @hotpepper.


  1. I haven’t yet read Crush It, but it’s sitting on my desk at work. I’m only a page or two in.

    You know, this topic comes up from time to time for me. Sometimes through thoughts in the back of my mind; other times through conversations with certain people.

    I think passion is used too often used to describe the vehicle for achieving success. I mean, if I tried hard enough, I could become successful in something I don’t care about or am even good at. Perseverance? Determination?

    Your interests and talents define who you are, but I think it’s not necessary to maniacally pursue them (unless you’re inclined to). Either use them for your leisure or to your advantage. You’re naturally inclined to do the things you love anyway.

    My opinion is to not really worry what you’re passionate about. Don’t try defining it and just do what you enjoy doing. It’s probably more important to realize what you’re not passionate about…because if you hate something, get out!

    So yeah, this isn’t a very well-written essay. I hope it makes sense, but then again I get cynical at times!

  2. Thanks for chiming in, Jonny.

    The way I see it is that if I want to get out of something I don’t like doing, I should have something I like doing waiting for me. Otherwise, I’ll just find myself in the same boat 5 years later.

  3. Get your gear ready, for you and I are going on an expedition to discover El Dorado. That and Shakebao/Chako Paul City.

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