How to connect your Facebook page with your Twitter account in just 4 steps.

One of the challenges of managing social media for your company is having to post on multiple accounts. Some accounts have integration between social media networks (like Pinterest and Twitter for example). You can use this integration to your advantage by allowing you to post in one location and have it post elsewhere.

Here is how to connect your company Facebook page with your Twitter account:

1. Go to

2. Scroll down to your list of Facebook pages, find the one you want, and select the “Link to Twitter” button.

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3. On the Twitter page, click on the “Authorize app”. It may ask you to log in first if you aren’t already logged in.

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4. Select what updates you want to post to Twitter.

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That’s it! Easy as pie. Mmmm. Pie.



By Kim Siever

I am a copywriter and copyeditor. I blog on writing and social media tips mostly, but I sometimes throw in my thoughts about running a small business. Follow me on Twitter at @hotpepper.