The key to boosting blog traffic: publish a newsletter

The key to boosting blog traffic: publish a newsletter

Last December marked 15 years since I started blogging. I started with the now defunct site Themestream, and shortly after it went down, I moved to Blogger. Actually, in a sense, I’ve been blogging longer than that. For 3 years prior, I was writing articles for a weekly ezine.

Anyhow, over the years, I’ve learned a few tricks for driving traffic to blogs. One key to building a community around your blog is publishing a newsletter.

Use your blog posts as content for your newsletter. The great thing about blogging regularly is that you have already made content ready to go for a newsletter. Just take the most compelling sentence or two from your most recent posts and include them in your newsletter, then link to those posts from your newsletter.

Because your email subscribers may not visit your site often, a regular newsletter serves as a reminder that you’re still pumping out awesome content.

To increase your newsletter subscribers, don’t forget to ask people to sign up in your website sidebar, on your social media, and at the end of your posts.

Publishing a newsletter is one of the best ways to build a community and drive traffic.

What’s your favourite trick for boosting blog traffic? Let me know if the comments below.

Categorised as Blogging

By Kim Siever

I am a copywriter and copyeditor. I blog on writing and social media tips mostly, but I sometimes throw in my thoughts about running a small business. Follow me on Twitter at @hotpepper.

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