Firefox Supports CSS3 Opacity

Firefox supports the opacity property of the CSS3 specification. This is important because it proves the Firefox is still committed to web standards and is forward thinking.

Providing English Content

One of the things I find the most frustrating about using the international web is when websites offering English versions do not provide an intuitive way to find the English version.

Declare Your Background Colour

If there is one thing you should do first when implementing a new website design, it should be declaring your background colour. If you do anything else first, stop it. Declare your background colour first.

Web Standards Solutions

My boss came into my office yesterday with a special gift. It was something I’ve been wanting for a very long time (okay only since this past March).

It was Web Standards Solutions by Dan Cedarholm. I’ve been following Dan’s blog ever since I came across a few of his articles on ALA (Mountaintop Corners and Faux Columns). He always has some quick and slick CSS tricks that I enjoy testing and even implementing.