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8 tricks to write for the web

8 tricks to write for the web

Writing for the web requires a few tricks. People who surf the web are in a hurry and rarely do they stay for more than a few seconds on a page. You want to capture their attention and provide them with information that is easily digestible.

Here are 8 tips to help you engage your users with your content.

1. Put conclusion at the beginning

Give the point of the post or article right upfront. Let them know if it’s worth continuing.

2. Write only one idea per paragraph

Keep your paragraphs small and concise. Say it in as few words as possible. Don’t worry if your paragraphs are only a sentence or two long.

3. Use action words

Avoid the passive voice. Take responsibility for your message and be bold.

4. Use lists instead of paragraphs

Web readers love lists. Hence the format of this post.

5. Limit list items to 7 words

List items that are too long might as well be paragraphs.

6. Write short sentences

Same as point #2.

7. Include subheadings

This is particularly useful for breaking up longer posts.

8. Make your links part of the copy

Linking phrases or even entire sentences highlights the words, making them stand out and easier to scan.

Following these 8 simple tips will help you better get your message across and provide the information users want.

What tricks have you tried?

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