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6 easy ways to get more Pinterest followers

Growing your follower base on social media can be a challenge, so I thought I’d share a few tips I use to increase followers for my clients. These tips helped me to grow followers for one of my clients by over 3000 in about a year and a half.

1. Pin regular content

Nothing is more important that posting regular content. People who pin love fresh content, and making sure you pin content relevant to your business can deliver that to your followers.

2. Pin popular content

Four of the most popular content types on Pinterest are food and drink, DIY and crafts, women’s fashion, and quotes. If you can tie these topics to your business, you can increase followers.

3. Follow back

If someone follows you, follow him/her back. I personally follow only boards that are relevant to my (our my client’s) business, but feel free to follow all their boards if it works for you.

An email notification when I receive a new follower. Just click on “See Profile.”

4. Like the pins your followers repin of yours

Whenever my followers repin my pins, I always go to their boards to like them. I think it’s a way to show appreciation.

When you receive your email notification, just click on the board name. Then click on the heart.

5. Repin their content

Since you’re on their board liking your content that they repinned, repin their content to reciprocate the pinning love.

Just click on the repin button, and edit the pin before posting.

6. Follow the recommended boards.

When you repin content that has been pinned elsewhere, Pinterest will recommend other boards. Follow them. The board owners will often follow you back.

Just click the follow button.

That’s it. 6 easy ways to increase Pinterest followers. What tricks do you use?

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