Canadian Style Tip #7: Names of inhabited places

This post is part of the Canadian Style series.

15.04 Names of inhabited places

Only two municipalities in Canada have two official forms of their names, one in English and one in French: Grand Falls and Caissie Cape in New Brunswick, which are also known officially as Grand-Sault and Cap-des-Caissie. All other municipalities have only one authorized form: thus Montréal and Québec (the city) retain their accents in English.

By Kim Siever

I am a copywriter and copyeditor. I blog on writing and social media tips mostly, but I sometimes throw in my thoughts about running a small business. Follow me on Twitter at @hotpepper.


  1. Yeah, sure, and the capital of Russia is Москвa.

    The province between Ontario and New Brunswick is Quebec, its capital is Quebec City, and its largest city is Montreal.

  2. Bring it up with the federal government’s translation bureau.

  3. If and when I start working for them and have to comply with their rules, sure, Kim, I will. Until then,
    Montreal is Montreal. It isn’t Montréal.

  4. Everyone is entitled to his opinion. Nevertheless, I’m not just pulling this stuff out of a hat; I’m simply quoting what they have said. You can disagree with it all you want, but telling me you disagree with their recommendation won’t change the fact it’s still their recommendation.

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